We all know that in our wardrobe most of the clothes are made out of cotton or it contains some percentage of cotton in it. It contains clothes like shirts, pants, saris, t-shirts, blouses etc. and they are very special to represent our personality.
Here are some steps to wash cotton clothes.
1. If possible remove the excess stain by the means of water. Use luck warm water for oil and greasy stains.
2. Prepare socking solution from Hopen Bright Advance Matic Detergent Powder and sock cotton clothes in it for around 1 hour. Gently rub stained part of clothes by hand before load it inside washing machine.
3. Load it inside the washing machine after shorting the clothes with Hopen Bright Advance Matic Detergent Powder and wash it with a cool cycle.
4. Dry clothes in shadow for drying and also keep it inside out to prevent fading of colour.